
The most frequent side effect of dehydration is lack of energy. Dr. Ferrara has found that for every 1% drop of water in your cells you will have a 10% dro

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Most people are unaware how essential water is for every function in the body. Did you know not being properly hydrated could increase your allergies and then lead to being sick?

What are the signs and side effects of dehydration?

Joe Ferrara, PhD has found that sub-optimal hydration levels cause your body to release more histamine. This release of histamine can make you more susceptible to allergens (dust, pollen, etc). With an increase level of histamine in the system it then elicits the release of the hormone cortisol. One side effect of cortisol is the suppression of the immune system. Histamine also causes the breakdown of the amino acid tryptophan in the liver. Tryptophan is needed by the brain to produce the neurotransmitter serotonin. Water is needed to transport tryptophan to the brain. So even depressive states are being linked back to chronic dehydration.

The most frequent side effect of dehydration is lack of energy. Dr. Ferrara has found that for every 1% drop of water in your cells you will have a 10% drop in energy! One of the easiest ways to tell if you are dehydrated is your urine. The more tea color (dark brown) your urine looks then the more dehydrated you are. Your urine should be clear or very light yellow except just after ingesting your multi-vitamins. Another major side effect of dehydration is constipation. You should have a bowel movement at least once per day. Patients who are dehydrated usually suffer from constipation.

Why are we dehydrated?

Coffee, tea, juices and soda pop (diet and regular) and alcohol all contribute to leaching water out of your cells. The function of water is to help transport, dilute and detoxify your system. Smog, pesticides and processed foods all leave an abundant of pollution in your system. This pollution needs to have a transport mechanism for removal. If you are drinking something other than water throughout the day and consume processed foods then your hydration levels may be in jeopardy.

How much water should I drink a day?

I have most of my wellness patients drink about 3 liters per day. Now remember if you are also consuming any of the products that cause you to be dehydrated then your levels will have to be increased.

What is the Chiropractic connection?

Did you know that all of the synovial fluid in your joints is made up of mostly water? When your fluid levels are sub-optimal your joints will experience more wear and tear. This will be experienced as stiffness or pain.

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