Positives of Chewing Nicotine Gum versus Smoking

Nicotine gum has recently emerged as a refuge for smokers across the globe. The sole purpose of nicotine gum is to aid smokers to kick the habit. The chewing gum actually supplies nicotine, hence soothing the smoker’s chronic cravings for cigarettes.

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Nicotine gum has recently emerged as a refuge for smokers across the globe. The sole purpose of nicotine gum is to aid smokers to kick the habit. The chewing gum actually supplies nicotine, hence soothing the smoker’s chronic cravings for cigarettes.

While the health hazards associated with cigarettes are open secrets, one cannot disagree that nicotine gum is far better than smoking, one way or the other. Smoking is detrimental to health no matter how you choose to cut the slice. This is because not only is the smoker inhaling the mainstream but sidestream smoke as well. The million dollar question is whether nicotine gum is a safe resort or not. The dangers of nicotine gum are non-existent in comparison to that of smoking. In addition, nicotine gum has its pros against smoking, some of which are briefly described below.

Lower Consumption of Nicotine

Do you know that nicotine has the potential to build up plague around you heart’s arteries which may lead to stroke? Moreover, nicotine is also believed to interfere with a number of body functions and even causes blood pressure levels to increase. Consuming less nicotine through chewing gum is a vast improvement from smoking that sabotages your health through a number of other chemicals as well.

No Cancer Causing Substances

It is not just the nicotine that makes cigarettes such a threat to health, but a number of other cancer causing substances are also present in cigarettes. Nicotine chewing gum does not contain any substances that trigger cancer but cigarettes do and if one has to decide what is worse among the two, it is definitely cigarettes.

Help You Get Rid Of Addiction

The nicotine in cigarettes is addictive, period. Since smokers find it very difficult to quit smoking cold turkey, they settle for quitting it eventually. It is because of this reason that nicotine laced gum is used as part of Nicotine Replacement Therapy. Once you will be able to quit smoking by using nicotine gum, your cravings will soon be suppressed for good and when that happens, you can quit using nicotine gum altogether.

electronic cigarette electronic cigarette electronic cigarette

Positives of Chewing Nicotine Gum versus Smoking

Nicotine gum has recently emerged as a refuge for smokers across the globe. The sole purpose of nicotine gum is to aid smokers to kick ...

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Positives of Chewing Nicotine Gum versus Smoking

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